Thursday, June 29, 2006

Seminar Description

Blogs and Wikis: Letting the Cat out of the Hat
Worth Weller, Stevens Amidon, Sandy Schaufelberger
Indiana University-Purdue University, Fort Wayne

The emergence of internet genres present both a challenge and an opportunity for those of us who work in the academy. On the one hand, it is a challenge, because our students are adopting tools like blogs and wikis much faster than most of us who teach, and these tools are changing the ways in which our students write. If we don’t become at least marginally conversant in these technologies, we risk the degradation of our finely-honed abilities to understand, critique, and assess our students’ responses to communicative events—their texts. On the other hand, it is an opportunity, because genres don’t arise willy-nilly—they emerge because they meet immediate social and instrumental needs, needs shared by students and teachers alike. Furthermore, emerging genres are flexible genres—by becoming early-adopters of these forms we are more than mere users of the genre—we become part of the social process by which the rules of writing in these genres are established. We not only use the genre, we establish and revise its conventions, just as our predecessors did (and continue to do) with more established forms such as the academic research paper and the reflective essay.

In this presentation we will be sharing our own experience bringing Blogs and Wikis into our classrooms. We will keep our presentations brief so that at least half our time may be available for discussion with the audience.

Stevens Amidon will describe his experience using blogs in teaching a senior level writing course, Research Methods for Professional Writers.

Worth Weller will

Sandy Schauffelberger will

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Another Dr. Seuss Metaphor?

Ah, you say another Dr. Seuss metaphor! But why not? It’s playful, and it’s suggestive.

In this case, I’m point to the fact that the read-write web does indeed let the cat of out the magical hat: students now routinely circumvent the guardians of the portal by publishing their own material to the web, without editors, teachers, and other impediments to creativity and censors who would stop them from spreading their own messages or developing their own forms of writing and learning communities.

This of course is why we are running into many who are uncomfortable with this relatively new technology – it empowers students way beyond our own comfort zone. We said we wouldn’t use this space or this platform as a WebCT bashing venue, but blogs and wikis certainly let students out of the box of WebCt, not to mention out of the confines of those grim classrooms in the basement of the Science Building.

Gasp – we’re losing control!

Okay Steve and Sandy – ball is in your court – go for it!!